Who’s who in the West Coast? Who’s who in the West Coast?

Who’s who in the West Coast?

Clarke Graves – CaliPaddler 


Clarke Graves was introduced to the sport of paddling by starting out via Outrigger Canoe (V6). Like many before and after getting the chance to embrace the stoke, he became someone who just fell in love with the sport of paddling. Paddling outrigger canoe specifically V6 has an ethereal/spiritual element to it and he totally embraced the culture and tradition that came with paddling. Known within his inner circle of friends as Captain Aloha, Clarke truly captures and exudes the warm and friendly demeanor that comes with the Aloha spirit.

Throughout the years Clarke has taken that passion of paddling and with his own desire to support the paddling community and the waters/beaches we as paddlers tend to enjoy, he went onto a journey to creating something unique. Coming from a nature conservationist background, he has taken his love for nature onto the sport of paddling to not only support the paddling community but to help spread the message that we as paddlers have an inherent responsibility to take care of our water ways and beaches ergo the creation of Cali-Paddler. 

Clarke has taken that aspect of support and conservation within the forefront of the Cali-Paddler business. To quote Cali-paddler “Cali Paddler is built for paddlers, by paddlers…. More than just a shirt company. We at Cali Paddler, like yourselves, are very supportive of efforts to protect, restore, and conserve our great waters and wildlife. So much so, that we decided to build a new business model. One that is designed to support California non-profit groups through awareness and monetary givebackWe are pledging to align with and help raise awareness for quality non-profit and conservation groups in California, and donate 5% of our PROCEEDS (not just profits) to them, through our lifestyle brand and its opportunities.”

Prior to Cali-paddler, paddler representation in respects to clothing line was sparce and we (as paddlers) are so fortunate to have him plug that whole, but alongside with providing some killer digs to rock on the water, Clarke’s/Cali-paddler’s mission, to help build overall awareness to the sport of paddling and the health of our waters is truly second to none!

Clarke continually engages with the paddling community to figure out how best he can serve paddlers. He one of a kind and is one of the most approachable, easy going individuals you would have the pleasure in meeting. He is also a great paddling partner, so if you ever happen to see Clarke aka Captain Aloha on the beach be sure to reach out and say Hi! You will be greeted with a warm smile and a shaka and I am sure he will ask “want to go out and paddle?”