COVID-19 General Checklist for Retail Employers October 20, 2020 This checklist is intended to help retail employers implement their plan to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace and is supplemental to the Guidance for Retail Employers. This checklist is a summary and contains shorthand for some parts of the guidance; familiarize yourself with the guidance before using this checklist. Businesses must identify and monitor the County Risk Level for the county the business is operating in and make required adjustments to their operations: • Purple – Widespread – Tier 1: Indoor operations are permitted but must belimited to 25% capacity. Grocery stores must limit to 50% capacity. All retail operations must follow this guidance. • Red – Substantial – Tier 2: Indoor operations are permitted but must be limited to 50% capacity. Grocery stores can operate at full capacity. All retail operations must follow this guidance. • Orange – Moderate – Tier 3: Indoor operations are permitted at full capacityand retail operations must follow this guidance. • Yellow – Minimal – Tier 4: Indoor operations are permitted at full capacityand retail operations must follow this guidance. For the most updated information on county status, visit Blueprint for a Safer Economy. Please note that local health departments can have more restrictive criteria and different closures. Find your county’s local information. Contents of Written Workplace Specific Plan The person(s) responsible for implementing the plan. A risk assessment and the measures that will be taken to prevent spread of the virus. Use of face coverings, in accordance with the CDPH guidance. Training and communication with workers and worker representatives on the plan. A process to check for compliance and to document and correct deficiencies. A process to investigate COVID-cases, alert the local health department, and identify and isolate close workplace contacts and infected workers. Protocols for when the workplace has an outbreak, in accordance with with CDPH guidance and recommendations and orders from the local health depa A process to notify in writing all employees and employers of subcontracted employees present when there is an outbreak, and report outbreaks to the local health department, as required under AB 685. Topics for Worker Training Information on COVID-19, preventing spread, and who is especially vulnerable. Self-screening at home, including temperature and/or symptom checks using CDC guidelines. The importance of not coming to work if workers have a cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, or if they or someone they had contact with have been diagnosed with COVID-19. To return to work after a COVID-19 diagnosis only after meeting CDPH Guidance on Returning to Work or School Following COVID-19 Diagnosis. When to seek medical attention. The importance of hand washing and types of hand sanitizers to use. The importance of physical distancing, both at work and off work time. Proper use of cloth face covers, including information in the CDPH guidance. Information on paid leave benefits, including the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and other government programs supporting sick leave and workers’ compensation for COVID-19. Train any independent contractors, temporary or contract workers, and volunteers in these policies and ensure they have necessary PPE. Individual Control Measures & Screening Symptom screenings and/or temperature checks. Encourage workers who are sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 to stay home. Encourage frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer. Provide and ensure workers use all necessary PPE. Provide disposable gloves to workers as a supplement to frequent hand washing for tasks such as handling commonly touched items or conducting symptom screening. Provide secondary barriers (e.g., face shield, safety goggles) to workers who must consistently be within six feet of guests or co-workers (e.g., fitting and securing guests with safety equipment) and ensure they use them in addition to face coverings. Provide PPE when offloading and storing delivered goods. Post signage and make public address announcements to remind customers that they must use face covers (unless exempted by the CDPH guidance), practice physical distancing, not touch their face, frequently wash their hands with soap and water, and Ventilation, Cleaning, and Disinfecting Protocols Where possible, install upgrades to improve air filtration and ventilation. Check the CDPH website periodically for updates on indoor airquality and ventilation guidance for airborne diseases in indoorsettings. Perform thorough cleaning in high traffic areas. Frequently disinfect commonly used surfaces. Clean and disinfect shared equipment between each use. Clean touchable surfaces between shifts or between users, whichever is more frequent. Equip customer entrances and exits, checkout stations, and customer changing rooms with proper sanitation products, including hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes, and provide personal hand sanitizers to all frontline staff (e.g., cashiers). Ensure that sanitary facilities stay operational and stocked at all times. Make hand sanitizer and other sanitary supplies readily available to workers. Ensure all water systems are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown, to minimize risk of Legionnaires’ disease. Use products approved for use against COVID-19 on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved list and train workers on chemical hazards, product instructions, ventilation requirements, and Cal/OSHA requirements. Follow CDPH asthma-safer cleaning methods. Adjust or modify store hours to provide adequate time cleaning and stocking with physical distancing. Provide time for workers to implement cleaning practices during their shifts. Hire third-party cleaning companies if needed. Install hands-free devices if possible, such as contactless payment systems and automatic paper towel dispensers. Encourage the use of debit or credit cards by customers. Physical Distancing Guidelines Clearly mark curbside or outside pickup locations that maintain physical distance. Implement measures to physically separate people by at least six feet using measures such as physical partitions or visual cues (e.g., floor markings, colored tape, or signs to indicate to where workers should stand). Minimize exposure between cashiers and customers using barriers, such as Plexiglas. Adjust in-person meetings, if they are necessary, to ensure physical distancing. Place additional limitations on the number of workers in enclosed areas to ensure at least six feet of separation. Stagger worker breaks, in compliance with wage and hour regulations, to maintain physical Reconfigure break areas to increase distance between tables/chairs, and use barriers. Where possible, create outdoor space for breaks with shade and seating arranged to ensure physical distancing. Close in-store bars, bulk-bin options, and public seating areas and discontinue product sampling. Dedicate shopping hours for seniors and other vulnerable populations. Increase pickup and delivery service options such as online ordering for curbside pickup. Provide separate, designated entrances and exits. Be prepared to queue customers outside while still maintaining physical distance. Encourage and train employees to practice physical distancing during pickup and delivery. Make some locations pickup- or delivery-only to minimize physical interaction, if possible. Install transfer-aiding materials, such as shelving and bulletin boards, to reduce person-to-person hand-offs where possible. Wherever possible, use contactless signatures for deliveries.