by Manny Vargas
This post is going out to the newbies, paddlers looking to get more out of your paddle time or those of you that are paddling alone but would like some company.
My friend Yvonne has been telling me about a Thursday morning workout paddle out on Carlsbad lagoon. The first thing that came to mind were a couple excuses…
“oh man, there’s no way I can keep up with them.”
“they are probably all pro racers and I won’t be able to chat with them on their level.”
I think we all have this bad habit of making up excuses to avoid the really reason… we’re lazy. Yeah, I said it. We don’t want to admit it but it’s easier to be lazy than getting up and doing sh!t. We work 40+ hours a week and commute like a heard of buffalo so why the hell should I wake up three hours earlier and pack my board in the dark?
The answer is easy. In the end… YOU FEEL BETTER. Life is better. If you start off your day with a solid paddle I guarantee you 100% your day will be that much more awesome. You feel refreshed and ready to tackle the work day. You’ll have that extra kick in your step as you head to the printer to pick up your documents.
Here’s the answers to my excuses that didn’t need to be asked in the first place. But first, I have to say flatwater paddle boarders are a cool bunch. If you show up to a group, you’ll be greeted with open arms. Rock, the prone paddler that runs the Thursday morning paddle, was cool as hell and didn’t care if I was slow or fast. For putting the paddle together and being cool, you bet I’m going to bring him a sixer of Stone. I suggest you find out what to offer your group leader. As for my excuses…
Keeping up with ‘them’. It doesn’t matter. You go your own pace and enjoy the outdoors. No one will holler at you for being at the back of the pack. You’re there paddling for you not for them.
Pro Racers won’t relate to me. One thing I learned over the years is that the high level athletes when they are in their environment love to give tips when asked. This is an awesome opportunity to get free tips from awesome paddlers. Ask them before and after the workout because once the workout starts their going to do their thang.
Go ask Bob where to find workout or group paddles. He’ll have a list for you.
If you’re worried about leaving your board on your car at work… make sure you pick up a set of lockable Kanulocks and park in the shade. If you have to park in a parking garage, be sure to double check the height max BEFORE entering.
There’s no need to paddle alone. Find a group and most importantly… HAVE FUN!